BEING IN THE PRESENT MOMENT - simply in practice

Try to do this exercise now taking time with each point. It should only take 5-10 minutes (although you can take longer if you want):
Find a comfortable sitting position (on a chair, on the floor, on a cushion).
Feel your sit bones, sharp bones of the buttocks, (and feet on the ground if you are sitting in a chair) anchor you to the ground.
Feel your spine lengthen, your shoulders relaxed down your back, and the top of the skull joining you to the sky.
Find your breath in your body.
Feel the expansion of the in-breath: your belly expands, your ribcage opens, your chest rises.
Feel the release of the out-breath: your belly softens, your ribcage descends, your chest gently sighs.
Feel how each inhale and exhale differ.
Feel maybe some physical sensations in your body: tingling, hot or cold, pressure or lightness of your limbs, or numbness. Feel without judging them, analyzing them, fleeing them, holding on to them, or trying to change them.
Feel perhaps some emotions flowing through your body. Feel without judging them, analyzing them, fleeing them, holding on to them, or trying to change them.
Observe the thoughts that cross your mind, conversations, ideas, impressions, judgments, etc. Observe without judging them, analyzing them, fleeing them, holding on to them, or trying to change them.
Bring your awareness to your breathing. Feel the inhalation and exhalation. Feel your body, your mind, your soul.
How do you feel?
Repeat this exercise outdoors; either standing or walking. But also add the exploration with your outer senses:
Feel the air against your skin: heat, cold, wind, rain ...
Look at the colors, shadows, shapes, details ...
Listen to the sounds, the music of birds, wind, water, animals, humans ...
Smell the outside fragrances, aromas, odors,...
How do you feel?